Help your community cats

The Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) programme is the most humane and effective approach for dealing with stray and feral cats. Under this programme stray cats are trapped in cages and taken to a veterinary clinic where they are checked for communicable diseases, vaccinated and spayed. The cats do not suffer any trauma and can be released pain free the same day back to their environment.

Have you seen cats with ears like this? This cat’s ear has been surgically alternated to show that the cat has been spayed/neutered.

Why is TNR important for a community?
Cats will live a healthier and happier life, and your neighbourhood will be cleaner and more peaceful. Being pregnant so young and so often, and nursing kittens, is stressful on female cats who are struggling to survive. Half the kittens are likely to die without human intervention.
Less fighting, less noise
• The cessation of sexual activity eliminates the noise associated with mating behaviour and dramatically reduces fighting.
Less cats, less sick cats
• The TNR programme can help to stabilise feral cat populations by instantly ending reproduction and by removing sick cats from the colony.
Less roaming
• Neutered feral cats roam less and become less visible in the community.
Less odours 
• Odours are greatly reduced because neutered male cats no longer produce testosterone which, when they are unaltered, mixes with their urine and causes the strong, pungent smell when they spray.

Why does trap and relocate not work?
Removing cats from an area only allows another colony to move into its place in order to take advantage of the food source. The TNR option allows you to stabilise one area at a time. Once the cat population of a colony is stabilised, the colony will defend its territory and keep other cats from moving in.

If you would like to trap and spay/neuter a cat in your neighbourhood call Advanced Pet Care Clinic, an experienced provider of the TNR programme in Dubai. Call 04-3212535.

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