7 Tips On How To Deal With Stress

In our time and age, a life that is stress free sounds too good to be true. Two factors cause stress: your perception of the situation and how your body responds to it. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in the body. It can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system (or, alternatively, lead to autoimmune diseases), worsen allergies, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, impair fertility, and accelerate the aging process. It is important to realise its negative impact and to act upon it right away.

However, stress in appropriate amounts is the very stimulation that keeps us engaged with the world. It helps motivate you to achieve your goals. You define the good kind of stress from the bad by its duration and your perception.

How to handle stress:
1. Keep a stress journal to figure out where the stress is coming from. It helps to write your thoughts down as this releases tension and organises your problems in order of urgency.

2. Focus on the things you can influence from the things you have no control over. If you are stressing over something you cannot control, you are only wasting time and energy. Instead, adjust accordingly and find alternative solutions to making the situation better.

3. Let an argument go and return to the situation when you are calmer. Better decisions are made when the mind is calm. A surge of emotions greatly influence decisions so it is best to do this when you are level-headed.

4. Talk to a friend. Good company is a stress-reliever. Apart from having someone to share your woes with, taking a break from work and engaging in a conversation with them is healthy.

5. Decompress. Go to a quiet place, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Some prefer reading a book, taking a walk or spending some time with a pet. Take some time to relax before you return to the situation.

6. Learn to say “no”. “Yes” is not always the answer.

7. Practice meditation. This will help clear your head and calm your entire body. Everyone needs a break from the world. Connect with yourself first and everything else will fall into place eventually.

With thanks to Sophia Fromell, Ithaca Life.

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