Life After Breast Cancer – How to Deal With Fatigue

You’ve just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Your world comes crashing down. Your stomach gets twisted and thoughts keep running through your head about what went wrong. How did you get to this point? Stop! You take a breath and try sorting things out. Coping with the facts will be stressful and at many times draining but you need to figure out how you’re going to keep living!

One of the biggest challenges you will have to face is fatigue. Fatigue from cancer and cancer treatment is going to be tough, but you can do it! Now, fatigue isn’t the same as being tired. When you’re tired you can just sleep it off. Fatigue, however, is like you have no energy to do anything at all regardless of how much you sleep, what you eat, etc. Sometimes it could be acute (lasts for less a month) or chronic (lasts 6 months or more) so here are some tips on how to deal with fatigue.

The Warning Signs:

  • Whole-body tiredness even after sleeping
  • Weakness to do anything
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Boredom and lack of motivation
  • Easily irritated and no patience
  • Anxiety and nervousness

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Consult With Your Doctor

The first step is to pinpoint the source of your fatigue. It could be from cancer, the treatment or a different underlying cause, like anaemia, hypothyroidism etc. It could also be a combination of reasons. If you experience shortness of breath, pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, depression, anxiety often, voice out! Talk with your doctor about the options on how to manage your fatigue.

The best way to figure out your energy levels is to note it down. Take note of the times of day when you’re feeling low and when you’re feeling energized and what you think is the reason why.

Save Energy

Make plans. When you know what you’re going to do throughout your day will give you the right pacing to conserve your energy. Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends to help out when possible. Put in short, frequent breaks and alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. Avoid bending over too much, reaching high and lifting heavy objects. You don’t want to strain yourself.

Get the Right Nutrition

Fatigue can get worse if you don’t eat enough healthy food. Make sure you’re getting enough calories to maintain your weight. Get plenty of protein to help rebuild and repair any cells that have been damaged by cancer. Increase your fluid intake to prevent dehydration and avoid drinks containing caffeine. You could also take some vitamins to get complete nutrition but get it cleared by your doctor first. Additionally, if you need more advice, you could visit a dietician who could make assist you in proper nutrition.

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Yes, as mentioned earlier saving energy is important but if you lie in bed the whole day or sit in a chair for hours, you’re bound to get stiff. Not being active can lead to depression, anxiety, weakness and worsen your fatigue. Get cleared by your doctor what you can do for an exercise program. Start slow and give time to your body to adjust. Don’t overdo it!

Lastly, don’t stress. Stress plays a big role in dealing with fatigue. The last thing you want to do is make yourself feel worse. Adjust your expectations; accomplishment is a MUCH better feeling than disappointment. Help others understand how they can support you. This will make interactions much easier and avoid conflict. Learn to relax and cope the best you can. You’ll never know how strong you are. Hang in there!

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