How to Reduce Heart Disease

You’ve just been diagnosed with heart disease. Now what? Does this mean your life is over? Is it really the end of the world? NO! Stop moping around and do something! If your lifestyle got you to these results then change it. Things like what you eat, how often you exercise, your current weight, how you manage stress, etc. can be changed to help stop things from getting worse and even possibly improve your condition.

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How Did You Get Here

  • What you eat. – Poor food choices lead to obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes etc.
  • What you drink. – Again, poor drink choices can lead to obesity, diabetes etc.
  • Doing vices. – Thinking about smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs? Think again!
  • How often you move. – Exercise is so important! You have muscles. They are meant to be used.
  • How you deal with stress. – Stress has a direct effect on your nervous system!
  • Your age. – Sad truth, as you get older, things don’t work as well as they used to.
  • Family history. – Another sad truth, sometimes genetics is to blame but not a reason to give up!

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Change What You Can

  • Food & Drink – Eat more natural food! Think more vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, soy products, nonfat dairy and fewer fats, sugars and anything processed. You need to clean out the existing toxins in your body.
  • Physical Activity – Get as much exercise as you can. Joining a gym or taking up a sport is ideal but there are other small changes you can start with. Take the stairs instead of the escalator/elevator, walk part or the whole way to work, do workout videos at home, walk around during your breaks, anything that gets you up and about throughout each day.
  • Vices – There’s a reason why it’s call substance abuse. You are abusing your body by smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. Your body is not a toxic waste dump. Quit smoking, drinking, doing drugs.
  • Stress – Stress is your body’s response to demands or threats. You can’t stop stress from happening but you can decide how to react to it.
  • Health Checks – Monitor your condition regularly. Visit a cardiologist, get a check-up. This is the only way to know if what you’re doing is working and if you need to make adjustments. 

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It’s time to make BIG and LASTING changes to your life! It’s all down to you. You decide what you put into your body and you decide what you do with your body. Realizing how you can discipline yourself is the key to all this. Find what motivates you to change! It’s not a quick fix, these are lifestyle choices that need to last. If you do slip, don’t stress, just get back on track. These changes are meant to make you feel better and the better you feel the more you’ll want to keep doing it. You got yourself to where you are and now it’s up to you on where to go from here.

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