Teeth Whitening Before Getting Married

Before your big day, you may want to consider a whitening treatment to make your smile brighter and more dazzling. There are three things that you should consider before this treatment:

  1. Timing – for best results, you should book your whitening appointment four weeks before your big day, but in a pinch, you will need at least one week to get the desired effect.
  2. Achieving your desired results – you will need from 15 to 60 minutes of whitening treatment depending on the look you want to achieve and the colour of your teeth in the beginning.  Usually only one application is necessary, but in some cases a second is requested.  It is a very individual process.
  3. Following up the treatment – after whitening, we recommend a “white diet” for 2 days, meaning you should avoid dark foods and drinks that stain teeth such as coffee, tea, berries, soya, tomato etc. during this time.  Smoking should also be avoided for 48 hours.

Maintaining your bright, white smile requires only a 15-minute touch-up every 6-12 months, depending on your diet and lifestyle.

Please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss your whitening options for your big day. And all the best to couples who are getting married this year.

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