Dr Joy Dental Clinic Offers Waterlase iPlus Laser

Waterlase iPlus Laser is Perfect for children!

Dr Joy Dental Clinic incorporated Biloase Waterlase iPlus Laser into the practice about two years ago, revolutionizing pediatric care at the clinic. Dr Joy Dental Clinic continuously strives to provide the best dental technology – Waterlase is the most advanced Dental laser from Biolase, USA, launched in 2011.

Most children and even adults are fearful of the jarring sound and sensation of the drill during treatment. With Waterlase iPlus Laser, dentists are able to treat cavities, without heat, vibration or the sound of the drill. The laser is a “Cool” laser that uses water and air pressure, producing only a popping sound, which is likened to a “popcorn machine” when introduced to young patients by Pediatric Dentists.

With this laser, dental procedures are faster, while patients experience less discomfort, and in most cases do not require an anesthetic.  Plus, less post-operative pain and swelling occurs - perfect for children. “Our practice is totally committed to creating a positive experience and happy healthy smiles for all our young patients,” says Dr Joy Antony, CEO.

Dr Joy Dental Clinic Group offers high quality and comprehensive pediatric dental care for infants, children and young adults. The team of Pediatric Dentists is highly skilled, providing a safe and comfortable atmosphere, making each child’s visit fun, educational and friendly. Biloase Waterlase iPlus Laser is available at the Jumeirah branch.

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