Top Yoga Tips For Beginners

So you’ve decided to try yoga? How amazing! It is truly is the most wonderful investment for your body and mind you can make. But where to begin? In the last few years Dubai has become a yoga haven. With so many studios, styles and teachers to choose from, it can be daunting for any beginner. Relax newbie yogis, we’ve got 5 tips to help you out along the way.

Find Your Style

Begin by asking yourself why you want to practice yoga. Is it for health? Mindfulness? Stress relief? Whatever the reason try to define your intention and when you try out different yoga styles, ask yourself if the class fits your needs. YouTube is a great place to start as there are so many great tutorials you can take for free, from the comfort of your own living room before visiting a studio.

Shop Around

Dubai has so many free yoga classes and events on all year round, which is a great place to start. Don’t be discouraged if a class or style you try at the beginning doesn’t suit you, keep trying until you find a teacher you connect with.

Don’t Be Hard On Yourself

Once you’ve found your happy place and a teacher you love, now the magic happens. However don’t be too hard on yourself or expect miracles. Yoga is a practice for yourself and you shouldn’t compare yourself to others or become frustrated if your body doesn’t move or bend in the same way as someone else’s.

Don’t Loose Sight Of What Yoga Means

It’s easy to see beautiful pictures of yogis on Instagram and become discouraged about your own practice, but it’s so important as a beginner to remember that Yoga is not about how you look, it’s about how you feel.

Be Present And Patient

Treat the time you have in the studio as a sacred space to disconnect from your everyday stresses, unplug, switch off your cellphone and really use the time to connect with yourself. 

Inputs by Freya Bernadette and Eftihia Lachanas of Free Yoga Dubai, Community Yoga Classes and Retreats.

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