10 Great New Habits To Make Happiness Last All Year

3. Have self-compassion

While it is easy to feel compassion and empathy towards our children, spouse, family and friends; we rarely show ourselves the same understanding. Over-thinking past decisions and constant self-criticism are some of the biggest invisible negative habits we have. Like any habit, it can be broken once we are aware of the triggers. Start noticing how you talk to yourself, practice turning your critical voice to one of forgiveness and compassion.

4. Have gratitude

It has been scientifically proven that the practice of gratitude strengthens our hearts and changes how negative or positive we perceive our lives to be. This is a fun one to with the family. Start a gratitude jar with the kids, every day each write out something you have appreciated and pop it in the jar. Include acts of kindness, simple experiences like feeling the warmth of the sun and little achievements like cooking a healthy meal from scratch. Appreciate time spent with family members and friends however little. Periodically, take out and have a read of all the things that help you be thankful in life.


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