Fad diet trends

Many of us reach a time when we want to lose weight quickly to look good in that dress, or to be thin for that big day. We always look for that ‘magic trick’ that will help us shed the extra kilograms quickly and effortlessly.

Every week brings a new diet craze; from high fat to low carb to high protein diets or a combination. Some of these diets prove a lasting popularity and some fade away with time to prove that they were just a trend.

Why do we always go for the fast solution, for fad diets that are crowding the bookshelves and flooding daily media feeds, despite the fact that there are many nutritionists and dietitians we can seek professional advise from? It is because most of us want a cutting edge solution for weight loss? Fad diets offer exactly that with short term options which differ from the long-term healthy diet plans that guarantees long-term weight loss.

The common factor between all diets is cutting calories; fad diets do it with a unique twist every time.

So what is a fad diet?

  • A fad diet is a diet that:
  • does not include all the healthy food elements and all necessary macro and micro nutrients.
  • claims to increase your metabolism noticeably in a short period of time.
  • claims that you will lose unrealistic weight fast.
  • makes some food off limits.
  • makes you think that you can lose weight without exercising.
  • recommends cutting calories drastically.
  • lets you go on a full liquid diet, take some pills or some herb mixtures.
  • makes you completely cut carbs, fat or sugar.
  • requires you to skip meals, or replace them with special meals or bars.

Although those diets promise you will lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time, they will not be effective in the long term if you do not incorporate a balanced healthy diet in addition to exercise in your daily lifestyle.

The healthiest way to lose weight is to make small changes in your daily life which include the following:

  • All food groups from grains, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy oils.
  • 50% of the daily calories from carbohydrates mostly complex carbs.
  • 25% of the daily calories from proteins mostly lean.
  • 25% of the daily calories from fat, mostly healthy omega 3 and omega 6 fats.
  • Adequate portion sizes.
  • Three main meals and two snacks in-between.
  • Some of your favourite foods in moderation.

In addition, exercise is a very important key that will help you lose the extra weight. Make exercise part of your daily life. Do it for 30 to 45 minutes per day for a healthy body and a healthy heart.

There are healthier ways to manage weight rather than following a fad diet. Eating fewer calories, cutting down on portions and choosing healthy foods are the keys to reaching a healthy weight. It is not only a matter of following a fad diet for a couple of weeks to lose weight without the extra effort; the key is a healthy lifestyle.

With thanks to Reem Abdallah, Assistant Dietician, Health Factory.

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