Review: Harklinikken Hair Clinic

Your hair plays a very important part in your image and identity, especially for women. Although us men suffer too, as evidence suggests that hair loss is not only psychologically damaging, it can cause intense emotional suffering and decreased self-esteem leading to personal, social and work related problems.

A couple of years ago, I noticed a bald patch appearing, and after trying a range of unsuccessful hair loss products, I decided to go bald gracefully. Then I met Lars Skjoth, founder and CEO of Harklinikken, a world leader in the research and treatment of hair and scalp disorders.

Lars pointed out that everyone is different, and hair loss can happen to anyone (male or female), at any time. The main causes of hair loss can be physiological (lifestyle and environmental), illness, drugs and heredity loss in the form of mild and severe androgenic alopecia, and successful treatment relies on identifying the root cause.

Unlike a number of products on the market, Harklinikken’s advanced treatments are for both men and women, and cover a variety of hair types and conditions. They do not sell off-the-shelf products, as everyone’s prognosis is unique, and each client’s treatment plan is based on their individual needs. One of the most refreshing things about Harklinikken is that they make no promises. If the cause of your hair loss is untreatable, they will tell you straight away.

Hair Clinic, review, Dubai

Once assessed, you will be prescribed a course of exclusive natural herbal extract products to revitalise your existing hair. These shampoos, tonics and styling aides work naturally to improve your hair density and scalp health, with each plan being tailored to you, your condition and your willingness to follow the treatment.

My treatment involved massaging the herbal extract into my scalp in the evening and letting it go to work over night. In the morning, I shampooed it out and went about my day. This quickly became part of my daily routine, and after just four months the results are undeniable, my bald patch has shrunk by over 50% and my hair is thicker, healthier and more vibrant. I will continue to use Harklinikken, and Lars predicts even greater improvement over the next 6 to 8 months.

So if you’re like me and gave up after trying the usual products, I highly recommend the no fee, no obligation assessment at Harklinikken; you might just be surprised.

For more information call 04-3442557 or visit - P.C.

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