How To Get That Great Smile And Shine

Cosmetic Dentistry refers to any professional oral care that focusses on the improvement in the appearance of the mouth, teeth and gums. While general dentistry focuses on treating and preventing oral complications, cosmetic dentistry treatments do not focus on the functionality necessarily, it is more about the aesthetics such as colour, position, shape, size, alignment and overall smile appearance. However, some of the treatments can have some type of restorations effect, therefore patients with stubborn intrinsic staining, chipped teeth, poorly aligned teeth, and also missing teeth are good candidates for cosmetic dentistry.

Dr Charlotte Lloyd, BDS, General Dentist at Drs. Nicolas & Asp said, “There are numerous cosmetic dental treatments available to patients depending on their desired aesthetic outcome. Cosmetic dentistry can be undertaken to achieve a range of treatment outcomes from alteration of the tooth shade, shape and size to the overall positioning and make-up of a patient’s smile.”

What are the different types of cosmetic dentistry treatments?

Composite Bonding
This treatment can be used conservatively to repair tooth fractures. It is one of the most economical and the least expensive option available to patients with tooth decay, chipped or worn out teeth. The dentist fills the surface of the tooth with the material that resembles the colour of the tooth enamel and then gives the material the right shape using a high intensity light.

This is the simplest form of cosmetic dentistry used to whiten or lighten the original teeth shade or restore from the discolouration or staining of the teeth.

Dr Shahid Rashid Zor, GP Dentist at Aster Clinic, Al Barsha said,” Your dentist will first clean your teeth and make sure that there is no plaque or tartar left on your teeth. Then, they will apply a whitening, or bleaching solution to your teeth. If desired, this procedure can be used to achieve shades that are even lighter than your natural tooth colour.”

Dental Implants
A dental implant is a metal device used to replace a missing tooth in your mouth. These implants are said to be indistinguishable from natural teeth in the mouth. Unlike dentures, the implants are fixed in the mouth permanently and require patients to follow regular oral hygiene. Therefore, it is also a permanent solution that is as close to the real tooth as you can get.

Dr Shahid Rashid at Aster Clinic said, “For the implant procedure, your dentist will surgically insert a small screw into your jawbone. This screw will then serve as a permanent support for the implant’s crown. Once the screw has healed and the surrounding tissue has fused to it, your dentist will be able affix the crown to the screw.” 

Inlays and onlays 
Also known as an indirect filling, inlays and onlays are molded in a lab and are shaped to match your teeth perfectly. Indirect fillings are typically used when mild to moderate tooth decay is present or when there is not enough tooth to support a traditional filling. Inlays are used when a tooth’s cusps are still intact. This allows the inlay to be placed directly on the surface of the tooth. On the other hand, onlays are used when the cusp, or a large portion of the tooth, is damaged.

Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their colour, shape, size, or length.

Orthodontic treatments
Orthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth, to improve the appearance of the teeth and how they work. It can also help to look after the long-term health of your teeth, gums and jaw joints, by spreading the biting pressure over all your teeth.

Who should consider cosmetic dentistry treatments?

These treatments can give you a smile you always wanted. So, besides those who are looking to correct their smile or crooked teeth, people with ageing teeth are also candidates for these treatments. Sometimes, no matter how good your oral health is, you can’t stop the effects of aging teeth. But with these treatments you can make sure that you don’t lose your charming smile at any age.

Dr Ritul Agarwal, Specialist Prosthodontist and Implantologist at Mediclinic Dubai Mall said, “Cosmetic dentistry procedures are usually elective, rather than essential, some cases of treatment also provide restorative benefits. Patients with stubborn intrinsic staining, chipped teeth, poorly aligned teeth, and also missing teeth are good candidates for cosmetic dentistry.”

Benefits of cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures correct the smile including stains, cracks, chips, non-proportioned teeth and more. 

By correcting minor issues such as dental erosion and discolouration, you can achieve a younger look as erosion and discoloration are the signs of ageing teeth. These treatments not only improve the appearance of teeth but also make them stronger.

Dr Charlotte Lloyd at Drs. Nicolas & Asp said, “Cosmetic dentistry can, among other things improve the overall look and feel of your smile which may result in increased confidence and self-esteem. Other health benefits to patients include reduction or cessation of pain and sensitivity, prevention of further loss of tooth integrity and structure and overall improvement in mastication as a result of treatment of fractured, decayed or damaged teeth.”

Treatments for children.

Many paediatric dentists recommend that parents should take the route of cosmetic dentistry for children if only the dental problem is causing a significant emotional dent or physical distress in the child.

Dr. Evan O’ Malley, General Dentist at HealthBay Polyclinic said, “Cosmetic treatment may be suitable for children with the exception of invasive procedures such as veneers, crowns and teeth whitening.”

Dr. Imneet Madan, Specialist Pediatric Dentist at Dr Michael’s Children’s Dental Center said, “Cosmetic treatments in children refer to those teeth that have unfortunately been affected with traumatic accidents, milk bottle caries, excessive at-will breast feeding or excessive juice intake. The cosmetics in children is not really the prime objective of treatment, nevertheless, front teeth are suggested to be restored in order to maintain the space for permanent dentition, keep the tongue in right position, proper development of speech and last but not the least, to keep up the self-esteem of the child. These treatments can range from simple composite restorations, to pulpotomy, pulpectomy followed by Zirconia tooth-coloured crown, based on the severity of the underlying concern.”

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