Connector September 2024

CONNECTOR.AE 24 CONNECTOR.AE 25 Kids And Education Dining Around PlanARoutine/ScheduleTogether Before setting a routine to improve your child’s diet and sleep, it’s important to help them understand the value and necessity of having a routine. Begin by discussing with your child what happens throughout the day and gradually introduce specific bedtimes and mealtimes. Adjust bedtime, wake-up How to Build A Healthy Eating And Sleep Routine For Your Child During School Days Establishing a routine for children, especially during their school and formative years, is essential. It sets a foundation for their future, teaching them discipline and contributing to their overall success. Routines help children grasp the importance of time management, while consistent healthy eating and sleep habits ensure they have the energy for the day and receive necessary nutrients. Connector spoke with experts to learn how parents can effectively create healthy eating and sleep routines for their children.