Connector May 2024

CONNECTOR.AE 50 CONNECTOR.AE 51 Lifestyle Lifestyle However, the aspiration to excel in sports lingered in Fahima’s mind as she graduated. Fate took its course, and while working, Fahima found herself drawn back to boxing as she began training at the gym. Sharing this incident, Fahima says, “After graduation, I landed a job, I had my car and resumed training, trying out various personal trainers. When boxing was introduced at my gym, I knew it was my moment. Starting with group classes, like box-fit, my passion for the sport ignited. My skills progressed rapidly, sparking encouragement from gym partners to pursue boxing professionally. Initially, I didn’t consider it seriously, but over time, I realised the potential I had. With guidance from a boxing coach who recognised my talent, I became better at boxing and it was my coach who asked me to fight professionally and become the first Emirati boxer from the UAE.” In the world of sports, particularly boxing, where male icons like Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson dominate, Fahima Falaknaz defied norms and pursued her dreams relentlessly. Becoming the first Emirati female boxer at 36, she shattered barriers in a male-dominated industry. Fahima shares her journey, from daring to dream in an unconventional career to carving her place in the ring. Life While Growing Up And How Did It All Start Growing up as the eldest girl in a family of eight in a conservative Emirati household, Fahima’s journey was marked by unique thoughts and early independence. Fahima ventured into sports, starting with karate at age 7 alongside her siblings. While her dream of becoming a television presenter persisted, her love for sports flourished. Despite discontinuing karate due to academic commitments, Fahima’s admiration for Bruce Lee ignited a passion for sports activities in school. From volleyball to basketball, she embraced every opportunity, paving the way for her remarkable journey as a trailblazing athlete. Adding to this, Fahima says, “I started liking martial arts at a very young age and used to watch WWF and other such shows. My role model was Bruce Lee, and I loved watching his movies. In fact, I was looking to learn kung fu, but because of cultural restrictions, I couldn’t take it any further.” Connector In Conversation With Fahima Falaknaz: UAE’s First Female Emirati Boxer Fahima Falaknaz, the trailblazing Emirati female boxer, embodies the essence of feminine strength and resilience. Despite societal expectations, she embraced her passion for boxing at 34, defying norms to become the UAE’s first female boxer. In an interview with Connector, Fahima shares insights into her journey, recounting the challenges she faced and the determination that propelled her forward. Her story resonates with the beauty of womanhood - being in touch with her feminine side while using the power to conquer the world through talent and unwavering determination.