Connector May 2024

CONNECTOR.AE 24 CONNECTOR.AE 25 Kids And Education Dining Around Tips For Students On How To Manage And Deal With Academic Pressure In our rapidly changing world, the pressure to excel has become a constant challenge. Unlike in the past, where career options were limited, today’s landscape offers a plethora of opportunities. However, amidst this bunch, children often find themselves caught in the relentless pursuit of academic success, sacrificing their childhood joy in the process. While striving for excellence is commendable, failing to manage academic pressure healthily can lead to mental and physical health issues. At Connector, we spoke with education experts to compile a comprehensive guide for students on effectively managing and coping with academic pressure. Write Down Your Tasks And Deadline To manage stress, start by listing all your tasks and deadlines. Create a plan to organise your work and stay on track. This not only helps with schoolwork but also keeps you motivated by knowing when holidays are coming up. Emphasising this, Eloise Briey, Senior Marketing Executive,