Connector May 2023

CONNECTOR.AE 3 Welcome Climate change and the actions we can take have been talked about for a long time, and with COP28 coming to the UAE in just a few months, even more attention is being given. A lot of us do whatever we can to reduce our own impact, and some are doing more than most. One of those is 17 year old Dubai student Himakshi Shashtri, who after seeing the effects of climate change, stepped up and is now a campaigner, public speaker and entrepreneur. Connecter spoke with the student on what led to her showing an interest in climate change, and where the journey has taken her. Read about her inspiring story on pages 48 to 52. Choosing the right school to send your child to is a decision every parent has to make at some point, and the quality of education is not the only thing to consider, as schools not only teach, they also help shape the character of a child. On pages 28 to 31 we run through a check list on what to look out for to help make an informed choice. This month is Mental Health Awareness month, and it is important that those suffering, whether in silence or not, are supported. On pages 38 and 39 we spoke with experts about the small steps individuals can take to help manage and even overcome those challenges. Otto Kuase invented the legendary burger 150 years ago in Hamburg, Germany, which has since become a firm favorite for many people. Luckily we don’t have to travel to Germany to get a taste of one, with a host of dedicated restaurants right here. Check out our ten to try burger restaurants across Dubai that are sure to satisfy every burger fan on pages 21 to 23. Enjoy the issue and have a great month. Chris Nicolaides Concord Tower, PO Box 126732, Dubai Media City, Dubai, 04 454 9826, Contents of this publication are copyright. No material may be reproduced without written permission. Notice and disclaimer. The material used in this publication is intended to be used for informational purposes only. A sincere effort has been made to report accurate information. However, one or more recognised authorities in health and nutrition may hold different views than those reported therein, and the reader is so advised. This publication is not meant to be an endorsement of any specific product or services offered. Nicole Pereira Vishakha Ramchandani Welcome 3>HS‡3gr‡} >>g # - . /0124 56 01 7gH gH 3>HS‡3r‡} >>g 69