Connector March 2023

CONNECTOR.AE 38 CONNECTOR.AE 39 Health and Wellness Health and Wellness activities that calm the mind, including art, cycling and more. As there are different classes for obesity, individuals that are in Class III of obesity will require medical supervision to get back on track with their health. Drastic weight loss is never advised and should be done with the right guidance and support. Dr Fariha Anwar of Dubai Cosmetic Surgery said, “It is important to find a compassionate doctor with expertise in treating extreme obesity so that together you can work long-term to get back on track both weight and health-wise. If you are extremely obese, do not start a vigorous workout program until you have lost about 10% of your body weight, and this must be under medical supervision. As with overweight people, the doctor may also recommend you seek the support of other medical professionals, including a dietician or nutritionist and a psychologist, as lifestyle changes such as diet alterations are an important component of treatment.” Additionally, individuals that are obese and are looking for quicker alternatives to weight loss, on consulting their doctors, can opt for surgery, although it is generally not recommended. Dr Sreela Nair of Mediclinic City Hospital said, “If you come under the category of Class III Obesity, Endoscopic procedures or bariatric surgery may be an option for you which is a severe but highly effective solution to long-term, significant weight loss. It works by changing your body biology instead of just your mind or your habits, and they alter your digestive system, which leads to restriction in the calories consumed and absorbed. They also change hormonal factors in your digestive system that affect your metabolism and hunger. Your bariatric surgeon would help you understand the different types of surgery and its implications and help you with a suitable type of surgery.” Obesity is a serious health risk and affects a large part of the population. With many living a sedentary lifestyle and not getting enough activity, by switching up their routine and making these changes can help reduce the health issues associated with obesity. Change in diet: As we live such a fast-paced life, it can get extremely tedious to maintain a fixed meal plan and can end up leading to consuming quick and easy-to-make dishes as well as loads of junk food. Dr Fariha Anwar of Dubai Cosmetic Surgery said, “Eat a well balanced diet and limit unhealthy foods, refined grains and sweets, potatoes, red meat, processed meat, and beverages.” Although it can be difficult to cut out unhealthy food all at once, slowly eliminating the products at a stretch can help in overall health in the long run. Quality of sleep: The body requires around 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily to recover from the activity done throughout the day. Without restful sleep, people tend to feel drained and exhausted throughout the day, and the hours lost cannot be recovered. Dr Fariha Anwar of Dubai Cosmetic Surgery said, “Improve your sleep routine and reduce any stress.” Dr Sreela Nair of Mediclinic City Hospital added, “Less sleep starts affecting the hunger hormone leading to overeating and constant hunger.” Regular exercise: Exercise is an important part that should be incorporated into everyone’s daily life. People starting out can begin with a thirty-minute workout and work their way up to a longer session. As the idea of working out can seem daunting to many, find a sport or an activity, including cycling or dancing, that keeps the person interested and ask a friend or family member to do it alongside to stay accountable. Dr Sreela Nair of Mediclinic City Hospital said, “An active lifestyle will help you maintain your weight.” Additionally, stress can cause a lot of health ailments, including putting on more weight. Instead, when feeling overwhelmed, opt to do