Connector June 2024

CONNECTOR.AE 32 CONNECTOR.AE 33 Kids And Education Kids And Education about peer pressure so they’re aware of their actions. Teach kids to recognise peer pressure and how to respond effectively in such situations. Nicola Hamer, Appointed Head of Secondary Academic Year 202425, The English College Dubai, adds, “It’s good to help your child understand that peer pressure often occurs because people want to fit in, be liked by their friends, or avoid being teased or excluded. Teach them the importance of listening to their feelings and values, and remind them that it’s okay to say ‘no’ if something doesn’t feel right.” “You can teach your children to recognise various forms of peer pressure, from subtle persuasion to coercion. Encourage them to stand up for themselves if it aligns with their moral beliefs,” suggests Joanna Brandariz, Key Stage 3 Progress Leader and Teacher of Dance and PE, Horizon International School. Pay Attention To Your Child’s Mood To support your children in handling peer pressure, it’s crucial to monitor their mood and engage in daily conversations about school and life. “Sudden behavioural shifts such as withdrawal or mood swings may signal negative peer influence. Consistent, honest dialogues enable you to remain connected to your child’s emotional health, promoting confidence and self-esteem,” explains Joanna Brandariz, Key Stage 3 Progress Leader and Teacher of Dance and PE at Horizon International School. Shedding light on this and suggesting some signs to look out for, Eloise Briey, Senior Marketing Executive, Swiss International School adds, “Signs to look out for include sudden changes in behaviour or attitude, a sudden loss of interest in hobbies, passions, or studies, and increased secrecy about their daily activities. However, these can also be symptoms of other issues, so the best way to know for certain is to have conversations with your child or their teacher.” Instil Open Communication The most effective approach to assist your child in managing peer pressure is by fostering open communication. Focus on building a strong connection with your child. “It’s vital to create a safe and open environment. Regularly ask about their day and listen without interrupting, showing that you care about their thoughts and feelings. Be patient and calm, even when they tell you something difficult, so they know they can trust you. Share some of your experiences to show that it’s okay to talk about different things. Praise their honesty and let them know they can always come to you without fear of getting into trouble. It will help build trust and make them feel more comfortable opening up to you,” suggests Nicola Hamer, Appointed Head of Secondary Academic Year 202425, The English College Dubai. Adding more to this, Eloise Briey, Senior Marketing Executive, Swiss International School suggests, “Another essential element of open communication is creating a judgment-free zone: your child needs to feel that when they share, they will be met with kindness and compassion, not judgement.” Teach Your Child The Difference Between Goo And Bad Friendships While in school or college, children naturally form friendships and have their social circles. It is their right to choose their friends, however, they may struggle to distinguish between positive and negative influences among their peers. “As a parent, teaching your child how to choose friends, what to look out for, and how to maintain friendships is helpful. Being part of a strong, healthy group of friends can keep them safe from negative peer pressure,” suggests Eloise Briey, Senior Marketing Executive, Swiss International School. How Can Schools Help Deal With Peer Pressure Parents play a crucial role in assisting their children with peer pressure, but schools also have a significant responsibility in this regard. Nicola Hamer, Appointed Head of Secondary Academic Year 2024-25, The English College Dubai, adds, “Offering counselling services where students can discuss their concerns and receive support and guidance is a good way to help kids. Besides this, fostering a positive and inclusive environment where differences are celebrated, and bullying is not tolerated also helps with peer pressure. Meanwhile, Joanna Brandariz, Key Stage 3 Progress Leader and Teacher of Dance and PE, Horizon International School, says, “Schools are also vital in addressing peer pressure through programs on socialemotional learning and conflict resolution. It is vital to also ensure that students have avenues to seek support from trusted adults. By equipping children with effective peer pressure navigation skills and fostering collaboration between parents and schools, teachers empower kids to make confident choices.”