Connector December 2023

CONNECTOR.AE 46 CONNECTOR.AE 47 Health and Wellness Health and Wellness Migraines takes place in four phases: Premonitory Symptoms: These occur up to 24 hours before a migraine starts. You might crave certain foods, feel mood changes (like getting really sad or happy), yawn a lot, retain fluids. Aura: Some people see flashing lights or heat waves right before or during a migraine. Others might feel weak in their muscles or like someone is touching them. Headache: The migraine usually begins slowly and gets more intense. Surprisingly, it’s possible to have a migraine without actually getting a headache. Post drome: After a migraine, people often feel tired or confused. This post-migraine phase can last up to a day before they start feeling better. How To Manage Migraine Triggers For individuals experiencing migraine triggers, it is crucial to monitor and identify these triggers. Keeping a diary becomes essential to understand the factors contributing to the pain. Record activities leading up to the headache, including details like what you were doing, your diet, the amount of sleep the previous night, and any significant stressors or events from that day. These details serve as essential clues to better understand and manage migraine triggers. Steps That Can Help You Avoid Migraine Triggers - Watch What You Eat: If you experience a headache, jot down the foods and beverages consumed before its onset. If a consistent pattern emerges over time, it’s advisable to avoid that particular item. - Reduce Caffeine Intake: For some individuals, regular consumption of caffeine can increase the likelihood of migraines. If you fall into this category, consider gradually reducing your caffeine intake, as abruptly missing your morning coffee can potentially trigger a migraine headache. WATCH WHAT YOU EAT REDUCE CAFFEINE INTAKE - Manage Your Stress: Various approaches can be employed for stress reduction. Engaging in exercise, meditation, prayer, spending time with loved ones, and pursuing enjoyable hobbies are effective methods. If there are aspects of your life causing tension, consider developing a plan to make positive changes. Exploring counselling and stress management classes can be beneficial. - Stay Hydrated: Ensure proper hydration by drinking an adequate amount of water, avoid skipping meals, and maintain a disciplined eating routine. Treatment For Migraine There’s no solid cure for migraines; however, managing migraines involves working with your doctor to develop a plan that suits your situation. And seeking an effective treatment can help reduce the frequency of attacks and alleviate their severity. The approach depends on factors such as your age, how often you experience migraines, the specific type you have, and their intensity, considering aspects like duration, pain level, and impact on your daily life. Your treatment plan may incorporate a combination of strategies, including lifestyle adjustments like stress management and avoiding triggers. Over-the-counter pain or migraine medications may also be recommended. Your doctor may also suggest prescription medications to address nausea or vomiting associated with migraines, hormone therapy if your migraines coincide with your menstrual cycle, counselling, or alternative care like meditation, acupressure, or acupuncture. MANAGE YOUR STRESS STAY HYDRATED