Connector December 2022

CONNECTOR.AE 56 CONNECTOR.AE 57 Health and Wellness Health and Wellness Tips To Avoid Overindulging Over The Festive Season The festive season is upon us, and with it comes all the excitement, joy and cheer one can muster. As it is a time of getting together with family and friends, while enjoying all the festivities, there is always so much to celebrate during the holiday season. For many people, however, one of the main ways to bond over the festive season is over a dinner table in a restaurant or at home, enjoying a wide range of food. As the holiday season is usually associated with the surplus of decadent desserts and roasts cooked and ready to tuck into, it can get difficult to resist enjoying all the amazing food served, and there is a habit of overindulging due to the increase in social gatherings. If you find yourself overindulging as the month rolls around, here are some tips to not feel guilty throughout the month and make this the best celebration yet. Avoid restrictive diets: During the holiday season, as there are many social events and gatherings to attend, it is not the best time to create a restrictive diet for yourself. As we are surrounded by the food that we aim to cut out, the cravings keep increasing and end up getting to a point, where we overeat. The best way to counteract that is to eat as much as required and stop when full. Eat in moderation: Moderation is the name of the game during the holiday season. The best way to combat overeating is by taking your time to eat, while also pacing your meals. Also, rather than staying hungry throughout the day with the aim to enjoy your festive meal, snack on healthy alternatives, be it fruit or nuts, to keep the hunger at bay and not overindulge. Smaller portions: When there is a wide array of food, it can sometimes get overwhelming to decide what food you would like to eat. Instead of loading up your plate with food and not being able to finish it due to taking more than you require, be mindful and take a little at a time. Although you may be going in for seconds, if the portions are smaller, it leads to less food being consumed and actually eating based on hunger and not want. Workout: Daily physical activity is one of the most important habits to definitely add to your routine. As we live a sedentary lifestyle and do not have a lot of activity or movement incorporated into our day while sitting at our tables working, it can take a toll on our mental health as well as our physical being. Focus on achieving at least 30 minutes of a workout daily. The best way to enjoy a workout is to find something that gets your heart pumping while also having fun, which can be through activities like dancing, lifting weights or even a brisk walk in nature. Eat early: With intermittent fasting and not eating past a certain time becoming a popu-