Connector August 2024

CONNECTOR.AE 42 CONNECTOR.AE 43 Health and Wellness Health and Wellness Skincare Routine: Advice From Skin Experts On Choosing Between 10 Step Or 3 Step Routine A good skin boosts confidence, enhances your overall appearance, and contributes to a positive self-image. Just like nourishing our bodies with the right nutrients, caring for our skin with appropriate products is crucial. And with skincare, the main question is: should we opt for a basic skincare routine or the trendy 10-step regimen? Should we apply ten products or stick to the essentials, cleanse, tone, and moisturise? If you’re unsure about the right approach to skincare, don’t worry! Connector asked skincare experts to clarify the essentials and help you understand the best practices for a realistic skincare routine. What Is Skincare And Why Is It Important? dirt, preparing it to absorb the following products. Second, moisturise by hydrating your skin with moisturiser, drinking plenty of water, using hydrating masks, and applying lip balm. Lastly, protect your skin by never skipping sunscreen application. Daily sunscreen is crucial to prevent sun damage and reduce the risk of skin cancer, making it a top recommendation from dermatologists, despite being frequently ignored. Can A 3-Step Routine Be As Effective As A 10-Step Routine? The effectiveness of skincare hinges on product quality, the consistency of one’s routine, and other factors like diet and adequate hydration. Dr Pooja Gupta from Dubai London Clinic and Speciality Hospital emphasises the benefits of a simple skincare regimen compared to a complex one. She adds, “The effectiveness of a skincare routine depends more on the choice of ingredients, correct usage, and consistency rather than the number of steps involved.” Taking care of your skin is essential to shield it from dirt, pollutants, and environmental stressors. A good skincare routine preserves elasticity maintains a healthy glow and addresses ageing concerns like fine lines and pigmentation. It’s vital for overall health since your skin, the body’s largest organ, acts as a protective barrier. Proper care, cleansing, moisturising, and treating specific conditions, strengthens this barrier, preventing dryness and potential infections. Skincare isn’t just about looks; it’s about safeguarding your well-being. Highlighting the importance of skincare, Dr Pooja Gupta, Specialist Dermatologist, Dubai London Clinic and Speciality Hospital says, “Skincare is crucial because our skin acts as a barrier, protecting us from external factors such as temperature extremes, sun exposure, humidity, dryness, injuries, dust, and pollutants. Daily care ensures the skin performs its role effectively and maintains overall well-being. It is essential to any anti-ageing regime as well.” What Is A 3-Step Skincare Routine? A 3-step skincare routine is simple and suitable for everyone. First, cleanse your skin to remove makeup, excess oil, and