Connector August 2024

CONNECTOR.AE 34 CONNECTOR.AE 35 Kids And Education Kids And Education up for swimming because everyone needs to learn. It became clear to both me and my parents that swimming was my passion, I didn’t enjoy anything else as much. Since then, I never missed a training session; I was always eager to go. Swimming became a constant in my life, propelling me to where I am today.” Describing her swimming journey, Christina reflects, “Initially, my mom wanted me to be safe in the pool, so that’s how I first got into swimming. Over the years, I began competing more seriously, starting with school competitions and then moving on to Hamilton competitions in Dubai. As I improved and became more competitive, Coach Rob from Hamilton noticed my potential to represent my country, especially as I started competing internationally.” Transitioning From Hobby To Competitive Swimming Swimming is a fantastic activity that promotes fitness, connects you with nature, and serves as a rewarding hobby. Yet, transitioning to professional swimming entails more than just mastering techniques. There’s a noticeable shift in mindset, especially when you’re young and in school, observing others enjoying carefree moments while your focus shifts to a more disciplined path. This adjustment is easier as an adult, but as a child, it poses unique challenges. Reflecting on her early days and the shift from swimming as a hobby to a professional pursuit, Karine explains, “My perspective on swimming had to evolve. It wasn’t just about training to see friends any more. Even though socialising is part of it, my primary focus shifted to giving my best in the pool. One of the toughest challenges I encountered was dealing with injuries. At one point, I broke my arm, which was tough. It affected my self-esteem and motivation. However, I was fortunate to receive immense support from my coaches, school, and especially my parents. Their encouragement helped me bounce back stronger and motivated me to train even harder than before.” Christina reflects on her journey from ups to downs and finding her path in competitive swimming: “My journey has been full of highs and lows like many athletes can relate to. Competing at the German Nationals was a pinnacle moment for me early on, it’s an elite competition with top athletes worldwide. However, I’ve also faced setbacks, including knee and shoulder injuries over the past two years, which were challenging periods for me. Overcoming these obstacles has taught me resilience and persistence, shaping me into the athlete I am today. Initially, swimming was something fun I shared competitively with my twin brother. While he pursued basketball, I continued swimming and excelled, particularly at events like the Middle East Open Junior Championships in Dubai. Winning medals there affirmed my potential as a professional swimmer and fuelled my determination to pursue this sport competitively.” Difference Between Training For School Competitions And International Tournaments Both Karine and Christina have garnered numerous accolades within their schools and at international tournaments. Discussing the differences between competing at various levels and locations, Karine shares, “I think the biggest contrast lies in how you mentally prepare yourself. When you’re at a school competition, it’s important to focus on visualising relays and teamwork. However, in international competitions, the key is to remain calm and avoid panicking, especially since you’re often in unfamiliar places surrounded by unfamiliar faces.” Christina, on the other hand, experienced a significant mental shift during her competitive journey. Reflecting on her transformation, she explains, “About two to three years ago, anyone who knew me would tell you that I struggled a lot mentally with swimming. After races where I didn’t achieve a personal best or felt I could have done better, I would often struggle emotionally. There were moments when I questioned whether I wanted to continue swimming and dealt with those intense emotions. However, realising that swimming isn’t the sole focus of my life and doesn’t define who I am has been crucial. Knowing that my teammates and coaches understand these challenges has been comforting. We’re all in this together, supporting each other through similar experiences.” Diet, Discipline And Sacrifices Made Along The Way As the Paris 2024 Olympics draw near, Karine and Christina are engaged in rigorous training routines. As professional athletes in swimming, they have each made sacrifices to establish disciplined routines, build their physiques, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.