Connector April 2024

CONNECTOR.AE 30 CONNECTOR.AE 31 Kids And Education Kids And Education It Makes Learning Interesting Practical education makes concepts and theories interesting for kids compared to simply memorising them. When something intrigues your interest, it feels easier to understand, right? With practical learning, children engage with the subject matter wholeheartedly, paying close attention and applying creativity. This hands-on approach makes learning more effective, helping them apply and remember concepts more easily. How Can Teachers Add More Practical Education In Their Teachings Sharing her insights on this, Mrs Sharon Robertson, Foundation Stage 1 Class Teacher, Horizon English School and former UAE Teacher of the Year Award winner, says, “The measures that educational institutions and policymakers can take to prioritise and integrate practical education into formal learning environments, ensuring that children are adequately prepared for the demands of the modern workforce and society are simple. Keep being visible, consult, ask a wide range of questions to the whole community that surrounds the child, listen to the quietness, there is often opportunity and learning there. Be deliberately bothered by the culture that surrounds you and maintain it through accountability and compassion. Continue creating happy diverse memories and healthy mindsets to have a well-balanced, successful, and happy future for each child that we are privileged to work with and care for.” Susan Walker, Head of Art at Brighton College Dubai, says, “There are several ways in which policymakers and educational institutes can support and prioritise integration. Some ways in which this can be done are in the allocation of resources for hands-on learning and materials and by integrating project-based assessments into the curriculum. Besides this, teachers should strive to foster a culture that values experiential learning to further support the integration of practical education into formal learning environments.” risks. To support their brain development by providing opportunities to remember and to complete complex tasks relevant to them through stories, games, conversations, puzzles, and interactions. Teachers should be positive regulators for children as they develop their self-regulation skills which allow them to grow and be successful, inspiring, confident and responsible individuals.” It Promotes Collaboration Practical education encourages collaboration and communication skills as students frequently collaborate to generate ideas, exchange feedback, and finish tasks together. This collaborative setting promotes a sense of community, teaches students to appreciate teamwork, respect differing opinions, and learn to coexist harmoniously. Susan Walker, Head of Art at Brighton College Dubai, adds, “In contrast to purely theorybased learning, practical work, such as that done in art or photography, offers a holistic approach that integrates cognitive, emotional, and social development, providing a wellrounded education that prepares pupils for success in various aspects of life. Besides, practical processes provide hands-on learning experiences that cater to different learning styles, making complex concepts more accessible and understandable.” Helps With Self Confidence When teaching children about courage, it’s important to provide practical experiences that allow them to learn its meaning first hand. Allowing children to take risks, face failures, and learn from them instils courage and boosts their confidence. Moreover, these experiences contribute to their brain development and help them gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and the world around them. To ensure that children learn through practical experiences, teachers should design and arrange a variety of hands-on educational activities in school. Adding more to this, Mrs Sharon Robertson, Foundation Stage 1 Class Teacher, Horizon English School and former UAE Teacher of the Year Award winner, says, “It can be done quite simply by creating daily opportunities for the children to be active learners, who are immersed in hands-on learning opportunities which foster a real understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and world. To boost their confidence, encourage independence and keep trying as they face challenges and take