Women’s Health: Essential Wellness Checkups

In today’s hectic world, it can be quite difficult to find the time to visit the doctor. People are focused on their busy schedules, completing their daily tasks and caring for their health is pushed aside. However, staying healthy should be everyone’s number one priority. Women in particular have to get regular check-ups to make sure that their bodies are in good shape.

Every woman’s health depends on a number of factors. Apart from having healthy eating habits, exercising on a regular basis, doing everything to reduce stress and having good sleeping habits, each and every woman should make time for wellness check-ups. Read on to find out why many women feel that going to the doctor regularly is extremely important.

Why Are Wellness Check-ups Important for Women’s Health?

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Having routine wellness check-ups is crucial if you want to take good care of your health. They are extremely useful and can help you detect any potential health issue in its early stage. Even when there are no symptoms at all, there could possibly be a health problem that needs treatment, which is exactly why annual wellness check-ups are a good idea.

Apart from having full check-ups for general health, which include diabetes, cholesterol, osteoporosis, heart diseases and cancer, every woman should have screenings for breast, cervical and ovarian cancers.

The tests and screenings you will need depend on several factors, such as your general health, your age and your family’s medical history, as well as your lifestyle choices. This includes your eating habits, how active you are and whether or not you smoke. Let’s take a look at some of the most important check-ups.

Blood Pressure Check-up

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Checking your blood pressure is something you should do once in a year or two. The ideal blood pressure for women is less than 120/80 mmHg and it could be higher than that if you are older. Everyone’s blood pressure gets higher with age due to blood vessels becoming stiffer. If you happen to have low blood pressure, it could be a tell-tale sign of heart or kidney problems, but not exclusively.

That is why it is vital to have this type of check-up on a regular basis, as it can show any potential health problem that needs to be dealt with.

Testing Blood Glucose Levels

Once you turn 45, you should have your blood glucose levels tested every three years, as those tests can show signs of diabetes or prediabetes. If you happen to have symptoms of diabetes before you are 45, checking your blood glucose levels is an absolute must.

Cholesterol Levels Check-up

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At the age of 20, every woman should start doing regular cholesterol check-ups, which should be done at least every five years. These tests are important for lowering the risk of heart disease, so they should definitely be on your list of top priorities. They include a simple blood test and, if the readings happen to be high, your doctor will require some further testing.

There are certain steps you may need to take to improve your cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease or a potential heart attack.

Breast Exams and Mammograms

Once they turn 20, women should have a manual breast exam every three years, to check for any potential lump or abnormality. After they turn 40, they should check for potential health issues annually. Mammograms are a must, starting at the age of 40, and they should be done once every year or two. They are crucial screenings for potential signs of breast cancer.

Pelvic Exams and Pap Smears

Pelvic exams and Pap smears are tests that should be done every two years, starting usually at the age of 20. They check for any abnormalities in the reproductive systems, which is why they are of paramount importance for every woman’s health. They can help detect any potential changes that can lead to cervical cancer, so it is vital to have this type of screening done to help diagnose any potential change, to prevent any health problem and deal with it on time.

Although there are more tests you should certainly find the time for, such as bone density screening, skin examination, dental check-ups and many more, the aforementioned are the primary and the most important ones for your overall health.

So, make sure you find the best health care service for your needs and schedule your wellness check-ups right now. You must take good care of your health and routine check-ups are one of the best ways of doing it successfully.

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